Issues of teaching languages to learners with a specific learning difficulty – from the teachers’ perspective




dyslexia, course materials, higher education, motivation, inclusiveness in the classroom


In Hungary, primary school pupils in grade 4 face new challenges as they have a new subject, namely the study of a foreign language. Choosing the first foreign language at school is a difficult task for them, since they might already have difficulties in acquiring their first language. Dyslexic learners usually have difficulty with reading and writing in their L1, their reading pace is slower, and they have problems with reading comprehension. Besides possible difficulties, this paper also discusses the strengths of dyslexic learners, as their most important compensating skills are global/holistic thinking, visualisation, creativity, and problem-solving. The research project took place in 2023 when we carried our interviews with 25 language teachers who used to, or currently teach, dyslexic learners. In order to obtain the most reliable information/answers about their pedagogical methods, experience and tools used in language classes we opted for semi-structured interviews with open-ended questions. We hypothised that teachers in inclusive schools do not have the necessary knowledge about teaching learners with a specific learning difficulty. While the interviews proved this hypothesis to be correct, we could nevertheless also see that teachers were doing their best to expand their knowledge in numerous ways. Speaking a foreign language (or more than one) and possession of a language certificate offers a great advantage in securing a place in higher education and can lead to better opportunities in the job market too. Suitable course materials are necessary for studying the target language and preparing for a language exam. A proportion of the language teachers involved in our research believe that it is not necessary to have course books specifically for dyslexic learners. During the interviews, we also asked questions concerning the language teachers’ attitudes to participation without grade-giving, evaluating learners’ language performance as well as how they motivate their dyslexic students. Based on the language teachers' responses, we came to the conclusion that they do pay attention to individual development and employ Multi-Sensory Teaching Techniques, despite the challenges of teaching a foreign language to children with dyslexia.


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How to Cite

Nemes, M. (2024). Issues of teaching languages to learners with a specific learning difficulty – from the teachers’ perspective. Journal of Early Years Education, 12(3), 121–141.