Old Bavarian street names in Hungary and their significance for the education of German as a minority language and folklore





Germans in Hungary, Bavarian street names in Hungary, revitalisation of old street names, teaching street names, language and folklore of the Germans in Hungary


This paper provides an overview of the functional-semantic and morphological-lexical characteristics of the old Bavarian street names revitalized by the two German communities in Hungary. It presents the onomastic and dialectological questions that emerged during the revitalisation process; describes the conditions necessary for the successful revitalisation of old Bavarian street names; summarises how the appearence of Bavarian street name signs has an impact on the linguistic landscape of the settlements and the local population and makes recommendations as to how the old Bavarian street names can be used in the teaching of the subjects ‘German as a minority language’ and ‘folklore of the ethnic Germans in Hungary’.


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How to Cite

Müller, M. (2024). Old Bavarian street names in Hungary and their significance for the education of German as a minority language and folklore. Journal of Early Years Education, 12(1), 183–196. https://doi.org/10.31074/gyntf.2024.1.183.196