Some pedagogical aspects of autism spectrum disorder


  • Katalin Fási B-A-Z Megyei Pedagógia Szakszolgálat Encsi Tagintézménye
  • Róbert Erdei B-A-Z Megyei Pedagógiai Szakszolgálat Encsi Tagintézménye



autism spectrum disorder, pervasive developmental disorder, the improvement of communication and cognitive skills, social skills development


The present essay aims to demonstrate some aspects of autism spectrum disorder relevant to pedagogical practice. Starting from a general overview of the disorder, the authors discuss the most common symptoms and diagnostic criteria. Moreover, the typical age at diagnosis is also considered. The authors identify specific aspects of ASD, such as its correlation with intellectual abilities and the everyday experiences of individuals living with autism. The difficulties experienced by the families of the individuals affected are also considered, such as stress or collateral health issues. The provision of adequate services and treatments is imperative for individuals with autism, which necessitates the demonstration of some examples of such intervention methods. These include the improvement of communication or cognitive skills, or the support of accepting changes. Social support is a crucial aspect of service provision, , which extends to parents of ASD children.


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How to Cite

Fási, K., & Erdei, R. (2022). Some pedagogical aspects of autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Early Years Education, 10(4), 312–324.



Thematic workshop