Body/space/image – an attempt to approach the museum space and spatial experience from the perspective of the child’s body


  • Zsófia Albrecht



museum, body, spacial experience, child, museum education


The cultural and social role, status, mission and interpretation of museums have changed significantly over the years. The museum, as a physical body in space and time, perceptible to our senses, is a fundamental element of our interaction with the museum itself. John Dewey’s and Alfred Lichtwark’s innovative ideas on (museum) education have helped to expand the educational space: museums have become an important part of the educational process and education has become a major task of museums. Entering a museum building is a process of inclusion, and the paper explores aspects of this process in the context of the definition of museum space, experience and occupation of space from the perspective of the child’s body, through a review of fine examples, both international and Hungarian.


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How to Cite

Albrecht, Z. (2022). Body/space/image – an attempt to approach the museum space and spatial experience from the perspective of the child’s body. Journal of Early Years Education, 10(4), 300–311.



Thematic workshop