The complex impact of kindergarten education on the professional competences of kindergarten teachers




kindergarten pedagogy, complex child personality development, qualification requirements, teaching profession and competences


The Ministry of Culture and Innovation announced the launch of a new training course for nursery school technicians in the vocational education and training sector in autumn 2023. The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) Level 5 diploma course has generated considerable professional debate among teachers, managers and trainers of higher education and vocational training institutions. The present study aims to provide some contributions and reflections on the topic of the title from the perspective of higher education (BA level) kindergarten teacher training, focusing on the values of Hungarian kindergarten education, its high quality, complex, educational and personality-developing role, as well as the requirements and professional competences expected in the profession of kindergarten teacher. It emphasises the psychological, (neuro)pedagogical, preschool pedagogical and therapeutic pedagogical foundations of the pedagogical work in Hungarian kindergartens, the qualification requirements, competences and increasing expectations for the job, with special emphasis on ensuring the harmonious development of the child’s personality in kindergarten, the development of competences that lay the foundations for constructive life management. This is achieved not only through organised activities facilitated by the kindergarten teacher, but can also be identified in every single aspect of kindergarten life, such as care tasks, work-related activities and in contacts with families.


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How to Cite

Márkus, Éva, Varga, L., Svraka, B., & Kissné Zsámboki, R. (2024). The complex impact of kindergarten education on the professional competences of kindergarten teachers. Journal of Early Years Education, 12(2), 84–105.