The study and promotion of the Hungarian language in a Hungarian school in England


  • Kitti Bartalos Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Tanító- és Óvóképző Kar Gyermekkultúra mesterszak (hallgató)



Hungarian language, England, bilingualism, children’s culture, community


Today, it is almost an everyday phenomenon for people to move abroad and start a family in another country or take a family decision to live in another country according to their lifestyle. Learning the language of the destination country is necessary in both cases, but often families also have a need to preserve and nurture the Hungarian language, and they want their child to learn and develop it in a Hungarian community. The high-quality cultural and educational program of the Birmingham Hungarian Educational and Cultural Centre provides the opportunity for Hungarians living in the diaspora to preserve Hungarian culture and traditions, as well as to learn, develop and cultivate the Hungarian language. The aim is to present, through the cultural and educational activities of the school, an example of good practice whereby the acquisition and development of the Hungarian language can be successfully implemented in a foreign language environment.


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How to Cite

Bartalos, K. (2024). The study and promotion of the Hungarian language in a Hungarian school in England. Journal of Early Years Education, 12(1), 197–215.