Playful tasks for the experience-based exploration of the texts in the story book 'Maiden conceived in the dew'




Slovak nationality education, folk tales, creative text processing, playful tasks


In the elementary school education of ethnic Hungarian children in Slovakia, they can consciously practise their understanding of various text types and their creation through playful activities and playful tasks in classes dealing with their ethnic culture. Playful fairy tale adaptations included in the Slovak nationalities education program, in the curricula of the early years of the nationalities’ classes, contribute to the familiarization of Slovak culture, to the appropriate level of literary understanding, and to the education of early readers.


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How to Cite

Bereczkiné Záluszki, A. (2024). Playful tasks for the experience-based exploration of the texts in the story book ’Maiden conceived in the dew’. Journal of Early Years Education, 12(1), 72–82.



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