Spatial aspects of infant observations
Infant observation, space, sociophysical environment, qualitative researchAbstract
In the study we aimed to explore the representation of the sociophysical environment and the role of space within it in the context of aspects of infant observation for educational purposes. Based on qualitative content analysis (Grounded Theory), we investigated the qualities of the sociophysical environment and space within it in the focus of observation. We analyzed the completed and closed observation protocols of students in the Ego Clinic’s method-specific training as child therapists. While the task of recording the protocols was not to describe the situation in the field, nevertheless, the close relationship between space and movement was clearly identified in the observations, with proximity-distance, activity-passivity dimensions and movement restriction emerging as important factors. The results show that the sociophysical environment, including space, is prominent in the background of the observed phenomena, even when the focus of observation is not on this but on human behaviour. Experience shows that observers often considered space as an important source of information, with an affective surplus meaning, and in many cases it served as a cornerstone of their interpretative frameworks.
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