Parental choice of primary school: Preferences and experiences




school choice, parental preferences, socioeconomic status


This study aimed to explore the aspects that play a role in parents’ choice of primary school in order to examine some of the factors that influence their preferences. Furthermore, the study looked at parents’ perceptions about the information schools provide as well as any perceived violations of equity. The online questionnaire was completed by parents whose children were about to enter primary school in the school year when the study was conducted, which ensured that parents had first-hand experience of school selection. The study used convenience sampling. The sample consisted of 526 parents. The results highlight the prominent role played by the teacher’s personality in choosing a primary school, and the perceptions of future first-graders also matter in this respect in addition to their parents’ opinions. Other important aspects include the school's atmosphere, its equipment, and its reputation. The parents’ level of education as well as their de facto financial situation influence a number of aspects that are considered when selecting a primary school. The participation rates suggest that information provided to parents, meet-and-greet events offered to future first-graders, and school open house events all play a key role. Although the Hungarian education system is ab ovo highly selective, even by international standards, this seems to escape the notice of parents.


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How to Cite

Fejes, B. J., Bugyi, A., Szűcs, N., & Tóth, E. (2022). Parental choice of primary school: Preferences and experiences. Journal of Early Years Education, 10(4), 26–49.