Cultural Mirror – Parenting goals and values in Japan and Hungary


  • Ágnes Bálint Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem - hallgató
  • Szilvia Jámbori Szegedi Tudományegyetem Szociál- és Fejlődéslélektani Tanszék



parenting values, parenting goals, the idea of "the good parent", cultural differences, Japanese and Hungarian parents


The values and goals of parenting – which form the basis of parenting styles – are significantly influenced by the cultural environment. This study investigates the goals of Hungarian and Japanese parents related to parenting, and their ideas of "the good parent" ( Sample of research N=64: NJapanese=28; NHungarian=36;). The subjects were required to complete a questionnaire of 10 open-ended questions. We identified four categories (based on the responses) along which we examined similarities and differences: (1) The sense of the importance of conscious parenting; (2) The sources of parenting knowledge; (3) Relations between the parental image and the environment; (4) The goals of parenting. The results show that there are cultural differences in all these categories. However, general features also can be found, especially and in the first place, the infuence of the Western (North-American) parenting culture.


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How to Cite

Bálint, Ágnes, & Jámbori, S. (2022). Cultural Mirror – Parenting goals and values in Japan and Hungary. Journal of Early Years Education, 10(4), 122–143.



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