The effect of lifestyle changes (experience of kindergarten teachers and parents in 2020)


  • Györgyné Villányi



„remote education” in kindergarten, diversity of relationships, lifestyle changes


An extensive online survey was conducted in the first half of 2020, led by the Early Childhood Education Department of the Hungarian Pedagogical Society (MPT), to map the changes related to the kindergarten closures that came into effect. The survey was made by dr. Bakonyi Anna, Kosztel Krisztina and Villányi Györgyné Jutka. The questions included requests for statistical data, online kindergarten education planning, methodological and implementation methods, as well as exploration of contact and organisational possibilities. In the questionnaires for kindergarten pedagogues and parents, we sought the answer on how they lived and experienced the quarantine, with the new virtual space. We were curious about what feelings and experiences, richer or poorer they got, and in what way we can use its positive part to transfer knowledge we can use later, in everyday kindergarten life. The questionnaire was sent out on Facebook to kindergarten educators on 12th May 2020, 1298 of them filled it until 9th June. The parents filled it between 11th May 2020, and 3rd June, 681 of them.


Download data is not yet available.


Bakonyi A. & Kosztel, K. (2019). Online lehetőségek az óvodában, túl a karantén időszakán. Óvodai Vezetési és Nevelési Módszertani Tanácsadó , 8(11), , 33-44 .

Csoma, Gy. (2014). Mire való az andragógia? Szaktudósító, 09–10, 6-7 .

Kovács, I. ( 2005). Új út az oktatásban? A távoktatás. OKKER.

Villányi, Gy.né (2019). Távnevelési feladatok lehetőségei. A Kisgyermek, 13(5), 27 .




How to Cite

Villányi, G. (2021). The effect of lifestyle changes (experience of kindergarten teachers and parents in 2020). Journal of Early Years Education, 9(2), 378–398.