Opinion of students participating in elementary school teacher training on environmental problems in Hungary


  • Katalin Kulman




environmental problems, economic activity, teacher training


An important part of the work of primary school teachers is the environmental education and the sustainability education. In the framework of these, they prepare their students for the knowledge that can be used in everyday life, to understand environmental problems and to know their possible solutions. Environmental education involves developing a sense of individual responsibility and mastering a systems approach - for example, that certain economic, social and environmental phenomena are interlinked. I was curious about the opinion of the students majoring inresearch about which economic activities cause the most environmental problemsin Hungary. I examined their views on the causes of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases in the air. My research also covered the sources of their knowledge of the topic and whether industrial and / or mining environmental degradation could be worthwhile for an economic organization in terms of economic efficiency. The results of surveys have been analyzed by use of the SPSS statistical software.


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How to Cite

Kulman, K. (2020). Opinion of students participating in elementary school teacher training on environmental problems in Hungary. Journal of Early Years Education, 8(3), 116–130. https://doi.org/10.31074/gyntf.2020.3.116.130