Style Guide of the Journal of Early Years Education
Our new style guide is introduced in the issue 2/2020
The style guide of the Journal of Early Years Education follows the international style released by APA (American Psychological Association) which tailors our authors and readers in understanding the standards used in journals of human studies and motivates our authors to keep self-control in writing (other information on the new style guide can be read at: APA; Sribbr). Our journal follows the practices of this system, but also keeps some elements of style guides used years in Hungarian pedagogy. In the following sections the style guide used in Journal of Early Education based on APA7[1] is described. We highly recommend using softwares like Mendeley and Zotero), or text editing programmes allowing referencing.
In-text citation
In-text citations identify the source of information in the body text. They correspond to a full reference entry at the end of your paper (in the References section). In-text citations consist of the author’s last name and publication year.
- In the body of the text author’s name 1a) can be narrative or 1b) parenthetical, e.g 1a) As stated by Csapó (2012)..., 1b) several researchers came to the same decision (Csapó, 2012).
- Names of two authors are separated with ampersand (&) as 1a) a narrative or 2b) parenthetical, e.g. 2a) as shown in the study of Hunyadiné and M. Nádasy (1998). 2b) (Hunyadiné & M. Nádasy, 1998).
- If there are three or more authors, only the first author’s last name is used followed by “et al.” and publication year, e.g (Nagy et al., 2020).
- If the author is an organisation (without having specific author(s)), its name is included in the citation and also in the reference list, e.g. 4a) according to the directives of WHO (2018)..., 4b) according to the accepted directives (WHO, 2018).
- Direct quotes (piece of text copied word-for-word from a source) under 40 words are placed in double quotation marks. Direct quotation is followed by in-text citation and the page on which the quote can be found. The page number is preceded by “p.” (for a single page) or “pp.” (for a page range), e.g. (Popper, 2010, pp. 50-51).
If the quote is 40 words or more, block quoting is used: an extra new line is added before and after the block quote.
- If a statement is supported by multiple sources, the in-text citations can be combined in one parenthesis. 6a) if the same author has several publications in one year, the sources are labelled with letters (Döbrössy, 2000a) and are ordered in ascending order separated by a comma (Döbrössy, 2000a, 2000b, 2000c) .
- If a statement is supported by multiple sources, the in-text citations can be combined in one parenthesis (Németh, 1988; Pukánszky, 1989; Golnhofer & Szabolcs, 1990).
- The sources are ordered according to publication date in ascending order and are separated with a semicolon (Németh, 1988; Pukánszky, 1989; Golnhofer & Szabolcs, 1990).
- If the original source can be cited only in a secondary source the secondary source must be cited using the phrase “as cited in”, e.g (Mérei, 1988 as cited in Ranschburg, 2010)
If the publication date of the primary source is unknown, include only the year of publication of the secondary source, e.g. Porter (as cited in Johnson, 2017) states that…
- Direct quotes containing sentences are ended in double quotation marks. Quotes are followed by the citation. If the final sentence of the direct quotation ends in punctuation mark, a period is placed after the citation, as it closes the sections. e.g.
“The work with word problems has two main functions at the lower division of school. One function is concerning the understanding of mathematical operations. The other function is concerning the development of problem-solving thinking, making a question mathematical, creation of models.” (C. Neményi, & R. Szendrei, 2010, p. 213).
- If the author, date or page number of a source is unknown, authors should act according to the following:
11a) if there is no author (shortened) titles are used in citation (National Core Curriculum, 2020), 11b) if there is no date n.d. or (n.d.) is used, 11c) if there are no page numbers, alternative locators, e.g. chapters are used (Tóth, 1994, Chapter 2).
Reference entries
If in-text citations are used, the study has to contain a section named References listing cited materials corresponding to in-text citations. Reference entries are listed in alphabetical order according to their family name. Several entries of the same author are listed chronologically from the oldest to the newest entry. Entries of edited references are listed after the entries where the same author is a writer (regardless to the date). Entries having multiple authors are listed after the entries of the first author. Entries do not contain the place of publication. If a reference entry is provided with DOI, reference entry has to contain it (e.g. DOI-s can be checked at
Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial. (Year). Book title. Publisher. Book title is in italics and sentence case.
If there are multiple authors, names are separated with commas. Before the last author’s name instead of comma an ampersand (&) is used. A reference entry may contain up to 20 authors. If there are more than 20, the first 19 authors are listed followed by an ellipsis (. . .) and the last author’s name. In case of e-books URL and/or DOI is added.
- Forsyth, D. (2018). Probability and statistics for computer science. Springer Publishing Company.,
- Colverd, S. & Hodgkin, B. (2011). Developing emotional intelligence in the primary school.
- g. McDuff, C., Smith, J., Kensington, K., Jones, S., Coughlan, S., Bortolin, L., Witte, M., Scott, A., Newport, A., Jensen, K., Wutzler, J., van Staden, I., McLean, J., Bergsma, G., Dowman, B., Petrie, K., Higgens, D., McCloud, R., Jessop, L., …Duncan, P. (2017). An introduction to quantitative analysis in finance. Houghton.
If the author and the publisher is the same, only the author is listed.
- American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association(7th ed.).
If the author is unknown, abbreviation “n. a.” or the name of the organisation is listed.
- a. (2012). Kleinkinder lernen mit Bilderbüchern mehr als mit dem Tablet PC. kleinkinder-lernen-mit-bilderbuechern-mehr-als-mit-tablet-pc.html
- World Commission on Environment & Development (1987). The Brundtland report: Our common future. Oxford University Press.
Article or chapter in a book
Author Surname [of Chapter or Article], First Initial. Second Initial. (Year). Article or chapter title. In Editor First Initial. Second Initial. Surname (Ed.), Book title (pp. page range of article or chapter). Publisher.
- Aitken, V. (2013). Dorothy Heathcote's Mantle-of-the-Expert Approach to Teaching and Learning: A Brief Introduction. In Fraser, D., Aitken, V. & Whyte, B. (Eds.), Connecting curriculum, linking learning (pp. 34–56). NZCER Press.
Journal article
Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial. (Year). Article title. Journal Title, Volume(Issue), page range. OR Retrieved from home page URL of journal.
- Elkind, D. (2008). The Power of Play: Learning What Comes Naturally. American Journal of Play, 1(1), 1–
- Cavallo, A. M. L. (1996). Meaningful learning, reasoning ability and students’ understanding and problem solving of genetics topics. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 33(6), 625–656.<625::AID-TEA3>3.0.CO;2-Q
Electronic references
To all electronic references apply rules prescribed in responding categories. If the reference is not provided with DOI, a responding URL and date of retrieval (in brackets) has to be added.
- Tóth, A. (2021). Students' perception regarding digital education amid the COVID-19 pandemic. SKASE Journal of Translation and Interpretation, 14(1), 1–13. Available online at (2021.05.15.)
References of web pages have to include not only the URL, but also the page title and the absolute link to the source.
- Lawson, J. F. (2019). The impacts of plastic on Indonesian migratory birds. Department of Conservation.
If the electronic reference does not have an author (typically web pages, legal rules, laws) has to be separated in section Resources following References.
Unpublished conference presentations have to contain the following components: name of the presenter, date of the presentation, name of the presentation [presentation], title of the conference, place of the conference, URL of the conference
- Ollé, J. (2010. 11. 20.). Digitális kompetencia és digitális oktatási kultúra a felsőoktatásban [presentation]. Oktatásinformatika a felsőoktatásban – Kooperáció és párbeszéd a jó gyakorlatok megteremtésében. online konferencia,
Tables, figures and pictures
Tables, figures and pictures have to be labeled with digits and title. Number and title have to be above them. Between the title and the table, figure, picture is an empty line.
Please do not use automatic numbering offered by text editors.
Tables, figures and pictures have to be cited with in-text citations.
If using graphics, please have resolution above 300 dpi. In case of having textual elements, all have to be easily readable.
Please also send all tables, figures and pictures in a separate file.
Text structure (headings, subheadings)
Title of the paper is centered, bold and Sentence case. Headings and subheadings are not provided with numbers and are left-aligned. 1st level is bold, 2nd level bold and italics, 3rd level italics.
Text should be written using font Times New Roman 12 p, 1,5 line-spacing. For highlighting use italics.
Acknowledgements or project referentials should be entitled at the end of the text before the References.
The first page of the submitted text should contain the following data:
- title of the text
- abstract and 5 keywords
- name of the author(s) (in the envisaged order)
- affiliation, position and e-mail address of the author
- if there are more authors, a corresponding author should be named.
[1] 08/02/2024