Information For Authors

Dear Authors,

We are pleased to welcome you at the webpage of the Journal of Early Years Education. If you wish to publish a manuscript, please read The submission process first.

The submission process

Journal of Early Years Education uses for publication the on-line platform of Open Journal System (OJS). Manuscripts can be submitted in several sections.

The Journal of Early Years Education publishes only original, peer-reviewed work that has neither appeared elsewhere for publication, nor which was under review for another refereed publication. Writings published in Journal of Early Child Education can be re-published in other publications in the same or other language with proper bibliographic reference to the first publication.

The editorial process

The papers for the Studies section, the Thematic section, and the Workshop section are reviewed by two reviewers, while items for the Review and the Boarderless section are reviewed by one reviewer well acquainted with the topic. Both Author(s) and nominated independent referee(s) participate anonymously in the process of preparing the publication. It is of paramount importance that the authors do not disclose their names in either the abstract or the text of the study.

The main points considered by the referees are: 1. how well the paper fits into the profile of the Journal, 2. the relevance of the topic, 3. the relevance, originality, and coherence of the theoretical approaches in the paper, 4. the nature of the research paradigm, 5. the quality of the research and the methods of data analysis employed, 6. the presentation of the results, 7. the overall impression made by the manuscript.

Review is made through an on-line platform by two reviewers, where author is informed about the result. If the paper is rejected by both referees, the paper, whether amended or not, will not be published. In the case of one positive and one negative review, the Journal will send the text to a third reader. In the case of two positive reviews, the Author will modify the text in accordance with any recommendation(s) by the referees. If the latter accept the Author's amendments, the Journal will publish the paper. The Author will be sent the reviews anonymously (without the names of the reviewers). If the paper has more than one Author, only the lead or corresponding Author will be sent the reviews. The Journal makes every effort to ensure that the length of the reviewing process does not exceed two months.

Submission checklist

As part of the submission process of Journal of Early Years Education, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

The submission is typed single-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font without any additional formatting, e.g. paragraph indenting, page breaks, page numbering etc. Tables, plates and figures should not be embedded in the text, place them instead at the end of files.

Each Section has its own checklist, please submit your Manuscript accordingly.


The style guide of Journal of Early Years Education follows the international style released by APA (American Psychological Association) which tailors our authors and readers in understanding the standards used in journals of human studies and motivates our authors to keep self-control in writing.

No publishing fees

The editing process is absolutely free of charges for authors. In coherence to a publication politics based on the principles of justice and equity, Journal of Early Years Education does not charge article processing charges (APCs) nor article submission charges. Articles are accessed free of charges, immediately after their publication.