The long way a mathematical concepts and methods develop




Mathematics teaching, mathematical thinking, long journey, pre-kindergarten age, preschool age, primary school, secondary school, gaining experience, developing concepts based on actions and deeds


In Hungary, mathematics teaching is structured in a spiral manner, with individual mathematical contents recur repeatedly in the course of public education. During the twelve (in some cases thirteen) academic years, the range of concepts related to a given content is expanded, the concepts become more and more precise, and the degree of freedom of the definition matching the given level of abstraction is developed. With the expansion of the scope and depth of the concepts, the range of techniques employed also broadens. However, if the content is not treated as a process, not as one stage on a long journey, then the spiral will not help the construction of mathematical concepts, the rudimentary concepts will remain separate and isolated. In this article, I show samples of the long journey through specific mathematical content.


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How to Cite

Pintér, M. (2024). The long way a mathematical concepts and methods develop. Journal of Early Years Education, 12(2), 225–241.