A korai kéttannyelvű oktatás hatása a kisiskolások anyanyelvi szövegértési és helyesírási kompetenciájára


  • Rita Szaszkó
  • Kata Jezsik




bilingual education, 2nd-form, native language, comprehension competence, orthography


Many parents are concerned that their children participating in early bilingual education may not demonstrate appropriate native language comprehension and orthographic skills. Our study was conducted to investigate the aforementioned issue in a Hungarian–English bilingual primary-school in the North Great Plain in Hungary with two 2nd-form classes (N=59): the experimental group (N=34) taking part in the Hungarian–English bilingual programme, and the control group (N=25), who learn all their subjects in Hungarian. The research tool was a competence test specially designed for this study. The results show that our hypothesis has been justified, that is the 2nd-former lower-primary-school children’s native language comprehension and orthographic competences in the bilingual class are not weaker than that of their peers learning in the traditional monolingual Hungarian educational programme.


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How to Cite

Szaszkó, R., & Jezsik, K. (2016). A korai kéttannyelvű oktatás hatása a kisiskolások anyanyelvi szövegértési és helyesírási kompetenciájára. Journal of Early Years Education, 4(1), 55–64. https://doi.org/10.31074/gyntf.2016.1.55.64