Prevalence of cognitive and affective factors influencing mathematical performance
cognitive ability profile, mathematical skills, performance, math anxietyAbstract
Children’s cognitive ability is the basis of all subject knowledge. It can qualitatively and quantitatively determine the content of the acquired curriculum, and its variation can significantly modify executive functions. There are a number of reasons for underachievement, including problems with genetic origin, parental expectations, the identity of the teacher, the class community, inadequate teaching methods, etc. These factors can trigger anxiety in students and not everyone may have the right coping strategies. The aim of our research is to establish a cognitive ability profile that focuses on the cognitive factors underlying mathematical abilities and the affective factors that influence them. Our research included at 10–15-year-old students in 8 Hungarian primary schools and explored the extent to which symptoms of anxiety affect mathematical performance. Our measuring instruments were the Pedagogical Examination of Dyscalculia and the Math Anxiety Test. The results were examined in the context of mathematical performance. Our research is also relevant in pedagogical practice, because it advances understanding of the cognitive and other psychological processes underpinning children’s performance, and thus can help them to achieve the best performance to their abilities more effectively. In this way, we can provide them with mathematical and self-knowledge that is useful in everyday life.
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