Has what was ‘Too far for you to see’ come any closer? Language and Identity in Wales





bilingualism, Wales, identity consciousness, language acquisition, diachronic language analysis


This article examines issues of language usage in Welsh and the identity of this region’s residents. The stress is upon people and language as they are inseparably inter- and entwined when forming one’s identity (Evans, 2018, p. 7). In accordance with this approach, I focus on three aspects (of this people, language, and identity): 1) the “diachronic” analysis of the Welsh language; 2) bilingual language use in general and in Wales in particular; 3) the recent period and research that slowly led to Welsh becoming an official language, effective in 2012. In this paper I will discuss what has happened since the poet, R. S. Thomas, captured the feelings and thoughts of his era while expressing his worries for his nation’s fate in the poem, The Welsh Hill County. I believe that my inquiry suits the environment of languages and cultures as the success story of an almost extinct language that survived its foretold death may provide valuable insight into the actual problems minority groups fighting for their rights face. What is more, I find this question important from the viewpoint of a second language teacher: the way we acquire languages in a naturally (albeit sometimes hostile) bilingual region can furnish further ways to enhance language learning abilities of students. The role played by the Welsh in Wales and the UK serves as a good example of the above interests.


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How to Cite

Podlovics, Éva L. (2022). Has what was ‘Too far for you to see’ come any closer? Language and Identity in Wales. Journal of Early Years Education, 10(2–3), 323–336. https://doi.org/10.31074/gyntf.2022.2.323.336