An efficacy assessment of very young EFL learners in Hungary




CLIL, preschool learners, efficacy, evaluation, Hungarian context


This study presents an area that has to date been little researched: the efficacy of young learners’ language acquisition. In Hungary, foreign language training offered for pre- school children is mainly a private enterprise. According to Hungary’s National Core Curriculum, public education introduces a foreign language no sooner than the age of 9-10; some exceptions are schools with bilingual programmes. As revealed by their high demand, the extant pre-school language programmes are highly popular with parents. Yet in the absence of official control or supervision, the need to evaluate their effectiveness in the form of private research has arisen. This examination aims to fulfill this very goal.


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How to Cite

Noé, Z., & Kovács, J. (2022). An efficacy assessment of very young EFL learners in Hungary. Journal of Early Years Education, 10(2–3), 204–230.