Ten months around the world





English as a Second Language (ESL), foreign language acquisition (FLA), early childhood, bilingualism, study program


For a Bilingual Generation (FBG) is a new emerging enterprise promoting English language acquisition in the early years of childhood education. During their ten- month-long programme, the teachers and children travel around the world and visit the main English-speaking countries where they discover and learn about the local culture, flora and fauna. Studying different countries not only enriches and makes an ESL activity a more entertaining and better experience for the children, it also allows children to observe and marvel at the world’s beauties. By the end of the ten months, it is expected that the programme participants will learn to respect other cultures and accept otherness. To this end, the programme encourages children to be curious and open to new experiences. Not only about foreign language acquisition, FBG also provides a complex approach to personality development that takes place in English.


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How to Cite

T. Kruppa, Éva, & Gáspár, A. (2022). Ten months around the world. Journal of Early Years Education, 10(2–3), 192–203. https://doi.org/10.31074/gyntf.2022.2.192.203