Multicultural education in Hungarian daycares




multiculturalism, inclusion, daycare, early childhood education


The subject of multicultural education remains largely unknown in Hungary despite the many, often volatile changes in everyday life that have arisen due to globalization and migration. This paper contends that children can be shown basic concepts related to multiculturalism, acceptance and tolerance within a daycare environment. The purpose of this study is twofold: while one aspect of this discussion explores to what degree Hungarian society is open to multiculturalism, the other examines what multicultural methods, topics or attitudes can be introduced to children attending daycare, a period that spans the ages of twenty weeks to three or four years old in Hungary. It is the authors’ general experience that Hungarian people are fairly open to the idea of multiculturalism, even though educational laws do not mention the importance of teaching multicultural ideas. To support or disprove this impression, a survey was conducted both in English and Hungarian to assess what the general public thinks about the topic of multicultural awareness in daycares. After analysing responses from the survey’s 105 participants, a practical session led by a daycare professional-in- training was then used to test the effectiveness of a playful, multicultural approach to introducing certain topics to three-year-old children.


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How to Cite

Czirmai, H. Z., & Lo Bello, M. J. (2022). Multicultural education in Hungarian daycares. Journal of Early Years Education, 10(2–3), 132–155.