The importance of raising the intercultural sensitivity of university students
intercultural sensitivity, international mobility, social issuesAbstract
This paper describes the theoretical background of the planning and implementation process for an intercultural sensitivity training programme targeting foreign students based on the experience of a previous intercultural projects (Furcsa, 2009; Szaszkó, 2018). At Eszterházy Károly University (EKU) (Eger, Hungary), foreign students come from different countries to study in various fields and participate in a programme tailored toward raising intercultural awareness each semester. The authors of the present article actively contributed to the design and implementation of this special training programme developed for the incoming students at EKU. The main objectives of this intercultural sensitivity-raising programme are to gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of various cultures, focus on the issues of biases, stereotypes, discrimination, acculturation, problem-solving, skills development, and team building, all aspects that comprise focal points of this paper.
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