Development of narrative skills of children
language acquisition, speech production, narrative skills, storytellingAbstract
Children’s narrative skills are important indicator of cognitive and language development. The narrative skills form a bridge between oral and written language. The development of children’s storytelling skills can be described by milestones and developmental stages associated with different ages. The most visible changes in these skills are related to the preschool age. The goal of this paper is to use Hungarian and international examples and experimental results to show the developmental pathway children follow from the heap stories to the creation of complex, true narratives. It also presents international methodologies for understanding and analysing narrative skills and recent Hungarian adaptations. Narrative competence is one of the key competences that the international literature has identified as having an impact on later school performance and on the acquisition of written language. The understanding of narrative competence and the Hungarian adaptation of the research methods can contribute to the objective measurement of this area of language development.
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