Features of articulation during the first language acquisition period





language-acquisition, articulation, age, speech production, speech perception


During the process of the first language acquisition, the child acquires all the language skills through a particular sequence of steps. Although the process of speech development can be considered relatively universal, it is also important in each case to consider individual factors and environmental characteristics. The present study summarizes the parameters of one of the sub-areas of this process and the main results of previous studies of aspects of the articulatory and pronunciation process . It also introduces the various stages of language acquisition, variations attributable to the speaker’s gender, and the acoustic changes resulting from articulatory development . In addition, the paper attempts to emphasize the effect of influential parameters in addition to physiological development.


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How to Cite

Krepsz, V. (2022). Features of articulation during the first language acquisition period. Journal of Early Years Education, 10(1), 78–93. https://doi.org/10.31074/gyntf.2022.1.78.93