Motivational factors involved in learning instrumental music




motivation, learning musical instrument, self-determination theory


In this study, we analyze the motivation of students learning musical instrument. Hungarian motivational research has so far barely examined the motivational background of instrumental music learning, so we focus on this area. Our research used the Motivation for Learning Music (MLM) questionnaire, which we adapted to Hungarian. The test tool was developed based on self-determination theory. It contains a total of 25 Likert-type statements, which are organized into the following factors: amotivation, external regulation, introjection, identification, and intrinsic motivation. 151 students took part in the study between the age of 10–18. The factorial validity of the measuring instrument and the reliability of the five scales are adequate. Our results show that the motivation of secondary school students is stronger than that of primary school students. There is a difference in the commitment of students to different instruments. However, there is no difference in motivation between boys and girls. Supporting the child's independence and autonomy plays a role in the motivation to learn the instrument. Our results may contribute to a deeper understanding of the motivation of students learning music.


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How to Cite

Földi, F., & Józsa, K. (2021). Motivational factors involved in learning instrumental music. Journal of Early Years Education, 9(3), 5–27.