Measuring music skills in a digital environment – Introducing an independently developed instrument




digital instrument, measuring music skills, melody-singing, rhythm-clapping


Although computer-based music skills assessment has an almost forty-year history, there is a lack of a complex digital instrument which is not only user-friendly, but also supports researchers in collecting, analyzing and storing data. Therefore, we have undertaken a specific task, that is, to measure melody-singing and rhythm-clapping with a new, Android OS-based software. The application is capable of recording data without a need for an interviewer as well as analyzing data and uploading results to an online database. This article presents the developmental concept of our test program, and describes its main features.


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How to Cite

Szabó, N., Janurik, M., Blahut, S., & Szakálos, M. (2021). Measuring music skills in a digital environment – Introducing an independently developed instrument. Journal of Early Years Education, 9(3), 44–56.