Role of gamification in music education




art activity, attending an art event, art experience, cultural transfer


In this study we examined the extracurricular art activities of fourth grade primary school students and their opportunity to participate in cultural and artistic events. We explored whether artistic activity has an effect on attitudes toward events. In addition, we sought differences in the family backgrounds of those who attend and do not attend extracurricular art events. The results, in addition to highlighting the role of the school in balancing out cultural capital, confirm the strength of the impact of intergenerational transfer. If the parents were previously been involved in artistic activities, they will also be more supportive of their child in the field of arts. Students who engaged in some form of extracurricular artistic activity in their childhood are more likely to become cultural consumers in adulthood.


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How to Cite

Kiss, B., & Asztalos, A. (2021). Role of gamification in music education. Journal of Early Years Education, 9(3), 57–74.