The use of technology of children in nursery care




digital technology, children, ICT use, mobil devices


The use of technology in early childhood children is a new and controversial area of psychological and educational research, there are no established habits for using these tools and for the consumption of digital contents (Konok, Bunford, & Miklósi, 2020). Parents are not always aware of the dangers and potential risks of technology, while both parents and professionals have need to know and teach appropriate use habits for children (Chaudron et al., 2020). The aim of our research was to get an accurate picture of the digital device use of young children in nursery care and to explore the relationship between different socio-economic factors and children’s use of ICT. In addition, we wanted to explore parents’ opinions on the impact of digital tools on their children, and we also wanted to find out their views on preventive / productive ICT use. For our study, we used a paperbased questionnaire filled out by 234 parents raising children in nursery care. This research shows the main characteristics of the digital technology use of the families with young children and creates an opportunity for professionals to formulate recommendations for a preventive approach to the use of digital technology in early childhood.


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How to Cite

Farkas, P., Schreindorfer, L. A., Szabó, G., Varga, G., & Rausch, A. (2021). The use of technology of children in nursery care. Journal of Early Years Education, 9(2), 354–377.