Digital education from the perspective of the family
digital education outside classroms, parental roles, digital competencesAbstract
Overnight the Covid-19 pandemic completely altered our lives as well transforming the daily schedules of schools. Teachers needed to shift rapidly to dig0ital education, while at the same time, numerous forums were initiated to provide technical help for each other and gathered the tools and applications available. Parents, too, faced new challenges, since they also had to acquire new skills in order to meet the new requirements of the schools. In this non-representative research the goal was to examine how the parents of lower grade students (N=113) managed to adapt to the role of a pedagogue all of a sudden, in their home environments. The research focused on the initial period of digital education from the perspective of the parents. We examined the tools and applications utilized during the era of online education. The forms of pedagogue-student-parent communication were introduced, as well as the means of coordinating the educational process. The research also examined how the daily schedules of the students were created and what new ways of spending their free time arose. With the help of the research we can gain an insight into the months of digital education from the parents’ perspective. Generally, it was be concluded that parents and children met the requirements of the online period successfully.
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