Learning space and learning environments in environmental education.

A theoretical approach to the study of learning environments in environmental education





learning space, learning environment, environmental education


The factors that influence learning are interrelated and shape the learning process, so the success of supporting learning is determined by how we understand the relationship between the learning space and the learning environment. Different conceptualisations often imply different theoretical approaches. In the case of environmental education, moreover, the use of the term ‘environment’ may be confused with the concepts used to understand the learning environment. In our approach we separate the concepts of learning space and learning environment. We treat the learning environment as an interactional unit that is continuously evolving along the factors which shape learning, and in which the reflections that are linked to learning are continuous and in which individual learning and community learning can in fact be described as mutually conditioned. In our study, we describe a theoretical approach to understanding learning environments with the aim of highlighting the interconnections behind the conceptual framework of environmental education.


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How to Cite

Szőcs, L. Álmos, Varga, A., & Angyal, Z. (2022). Learning space and learning environments in environmental education.: A theoretical approach to the study of learning environments in environmental education. Journal of Early Years Education, 10(4), 245–255. https://doi.org/10.31074/gyntf.2022.4.245.255



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