Intercultural curriculum design in early childhood education
interculturalism, inclusion, ECEC, nurseryAbsztrakt
The I.ECEC+ Project 2018-1-HU01-KA201-047763 (2018-2021) aims at strengthening collaboration among different European institutions working within (or in relation to) early childhood education (ECEC) settings. The general objectives of the project are to contribute to the integration of disadvantaged children and improve the quality of institutional education and care in early childhood. The immediate goal of the project was to learn about the intercultural competencies of professionals working in the field and to assess their training needs in the areas of early childhood education. The Italian, Spanish, Belgian, and Hungarian early childhood educators involved in the projects have gained experiences that can be incorporated into an inclusive early childhood education environment. Based on these experiences, a pilot training was designed and tested for improving early childhood educators’ attitudes towards intercultural and inclusive practices. The effect of the pilot training was monitored by means of observational data. The I.ECEC project also aimed to study and make available successful experiences, good practices and innovative solutions.
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