Teaching, learning, training, and researching throughout Europe – Languages and cultures in contact





intercultural teaching programmes, pre- and in-service teacher training, curriculum development, offline and blended courses


Since the early 1990s, the Kecskemét College Teacher Training Faculty has been involved in important bilateral and multilateral projects targeting cultural and linguistic themes. Due to new challenges in pedagogy, didactics and ICT competences in higher education, the projects’ aims and objectives as well as the list of participating countries of the projects have changed. Our study introduces and analyses those pre-EU and EU projects that focused on teaching pre-service teachers, training in- service teachers based on the research results garnered through cooperation with our partners, and learning from one another’s educational and cultural settings. This study has a twofold goal: through the introduction of how cultures and languages enriched one another in several intercultural projects, we aim to record a very rich period at Kecskemét College Teacher Training Faculty.



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Hogyan kell idézni

Lipóczi-Csabai, S., & Szabó, I. (2022). Teaching, learning, training, and researching throughout Europe – Languages and cultures in contact. Gyermeknevelés Tudományos Folyóirat, 10(2–3), 63–76. https://doi.org/10.31074/gyntf.2022.2.63.76