Locating the position of non-formal learning: theory and practice
non-formal learning, reflection, learning preferences, case study, higher educationAbsztrakt
Our article argues that, while learning continuously surrounds us, being aware of its importance is not necessarily possible through formal learning opportunities alone. By briefly introducing the concept and main principles of non-formal learning, we illustrate how reflection, a key process of learning, can be effectively involved in the design and implementation of educational practices. By means of a case study investigating a project that aims to develop university students’ intercultural competences, we show how the principles of non-formal learning can be included in formal, higher educational settings and how this approach and methodology can be fruitful in developing personal, social, and cultural competences. The case study also refers to the reflective competence of the facilitators of the project and how they have developed the content through their own learning processes and feedback from the participants.
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