Judging evaluation criteria for argumentative essays based on the opinions of beginner and experienced teachers

Judging evaluation criteria for argumentative essays based on the opinions of beginner and experienced teachers


  • Milán Juhász Alsóerdősori Bárdos Lajos Általános Iskola és Gimnázium, Budapest, Magyarország; Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Budapest, Magyarország https://orcid.org/0009-0005-4526-2025




essay assessment, writing a composition, argumentative essay, correction of essays, beginner teacher


The aim of the present study is to find out what might be the reason for the differences in the assessment of argumentative essays. The central question of the research is whether the reason for the differences might be the fact that teachers judge the various evaluation criteria in a different way. The study compares the results of two groups (beginner teachers with 1–5 years of experience and experienced teachers with 9–34 years of experience). Both groups had to judge the importance of the same text assessment criteria on a five-grade Likert scale. Differences between groups were statistically confirmed by the Mann–Whitney U-test. From the results, we can conclude that there is a significant difference between the assessments of the two groups in the importance of content, structure and language sophistication, which is significant in many cases. Beginner teachers considered most of the assessment criteria more importance than their more experienced colleagues.



2021. 03. 31.


