Vol. 12 No. 2020/2 (2021)

The history and current situation of Chinese language teaching in Hungary

Qiuyue Ye

Published 2021-07-12


  • Chinese language teaching,
  • curriculum setting,
  • optimization,
  • Chinese department,
  • Confucius Institute

How to Cite

Ye, Q. (2021). The history and current situation of Chinese language teaching in Hungary. Journal of East Asian Cultures, 12(2020/2), 135–149. https://doi.org/10.38144/TKT.2020.2.6


Chinese studies are very well established in Hungary. With the advances in Chinese language teaching and the rapid development of relations between China and Hungary in recent years, the number of learners of Chinese in Hungary has increased, and “Chinese fever” continues to spread. This article reviews the history and the current situation of Chinese language teaching in university Chinese departments and in Confucius Institutes, conducts an in-depth analysis of Chinese language teaching institutions, focusing especially on the curriculum and teaching methods in Chinese departments, reveals the existing problems, and proposes appropriate solutions.


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