Vol. 11 No. 2019/1 (2020)

Rites and taboos related to childbirth in traditional and modern Korea

Ramóna Kovács

Published 2020-03-30


  • rite of passage,
  • birth traditions,
  • taboo,
  • conception dreams,
  • god of birth,
  • childbirth,
  • community rite
  • ...More

How to Cite

Kovács, R. (2020). Rites and taboos related to childbirth in traditional and modern Korea. Journal of East Asian Cultures, 11(2019/1), 129–159. https://doi.org/10.38144/TKT.2019.1.7


Welcoming a new member of the community, such as a baby, used to happen in the framework of various rites and rules in traditional societies. In Korean society, the conception of a baby is connected to beliefs even today. For instance, based on the conception dreams, Koreans make predictions regarding the child’s gender, personality and future life. In the old days, the mother had to follow strict rules throughout her pregnancy, and sacrifices had to be offered to the god of birth on the day labor began. At the same time, giving birth means pain and blood, which were considered unclean, so different measures had to be taken. For example, a straw string was hung over the main gate, thanks to which the neighbors and relatives were informed of the arrival of the baby. In the modernized 21st century, the majority of those old traditions, superstitions and practices have already faded away: customs related to pregnancy and childbirth have changed. Modern medicine has taken the place of the old beliefs, and families are willing to pay considerable sums to various institutions to ensure the safety of the mother and the baby. However, there are some interesting points we can highlight, since they have survived even into the days of the new lifestyle, such as eating seaweed soup, which occurs as a birthday dish as well. Also, they still rely on the conception dreams of the future mother or grandmother; these may indicate a yet-undiagnosed pregnancy.


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