“Political Prudence" and "Internal Constraint". On Kant's Program of Enlightenment





Kant, Political Philosophy, Moral Destiny, Enlightenment


Starting from a footnote in Kant’s Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View, in my paper I reconstruct the connection, firstly between the character and moral destiny of the human race, and secondly, between its moral destiny and the program of elaborating a cosmopolitan constitution. I will then examine how Kant defines the action space of a “citizen of good character”, on the one hand, and the action space of a “monarch of good character”, on the other. Following this I focus on the notion of “internal constraint of conscience” and discuss a “constructive” and a “destructive” aspect of this concept and associate this distinction with two other conceptual pairs (PraxisPraktiken, cognitio philosophicacognitio historica). I argue that according to the Kantian view, the Enlightenment should be implemented by offering a way out of the state of the destructive internal constraint with the help of a constructive internal constraint. My conclusion is that this project leads to indissoluble tensions.




How to Cite

Forczek, Ákos. (2017). “Political Prudence" and "Internal Constraint". On Kant’s Program of Enlightenment. Elpis Filozófiatudományi Folyóirat, 10(2), 73–86. https://doi.org/10.54310/Elpis.2017.2.5