Vol. 15 No. 1 (2023)

An analysis and evaluation of Japanese historical documents related to the Treaty of Trianon – Diplomatic reports on the Hungarian–Czechoslovak and Hungarian–Romanian borders

Yuko Umemura
Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE)

Published 2023-05-16


  • Japanese–Hungarian relations,
  • Treaty of Trianon,
  • World War I,
  • Paris Peace Conference,
  • Committee of Border Demarcation,
  • Japanese diplomacy,
  • Austro-Hungarian Monarchy,
  • territorial question,
  • Hungarian–Czechoslovak border,
  • Hungarian–Romanian border
  • ...More

How to Cite

Umemura, Y. (2023). An analysis and evaluation of Japanese historical documents related to the Treaty of Trianon – Diplomatic reports on the Hungarian–Czechoslovak and Hungarian–Romanian borders. Journal of East Asian Cultures, 15(1), 229–253. https://doi.org/10.38144/TKT.2023.1.10


This paper introduces and examines the activities of the Japanese members of the Committee of Border Demarcation. As representatives of one of the victorious powers, they participated in the border demarcation processes for the Treaty of Trianon, which ceded parts of Hungary's territory to other countries and was signed during the Paris Peace Conference after World War I.
It is not well-known what role the Japanese members of the Committee of Border Demarcation played on the international stage of post-war settlements. Fortunately, from the period mentioned above, a considerable amount of documents has been preserved in the Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and the National Institute for Defence Studies.
In this paper, after examining these documents, the author focuses mainly on two fascinating documents related to the Hungarian–Czechoslovak border and the Hungarian–Romanian border.
What were the activities of the Japanese committee members, and what roles did they play in the border demarcations? By examining and citing the related documents, this paper tries to find answers to the following questions. What did the daily workflow of the Japanese members of the Committee of Border Demarcation look like? How did they interact with the representatives of other victorious nations and other countries? What influence did they have on the border demarcation plans, and what did they learn from these processes?


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