Vol. 7 No. 2015/1 (2016)

A Tiantai Interpretation of the Simile of the “Golden Scalpel” from the Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇa sūtra: Origin and Signification of the Title of the Diamond Scalpel Treatise

Melinda Pap

Published 2016-04-04

How to Cite

Pap, M. (2016). A Tiantai Interpretation of the Simile of the “Golden Scalpel” from the Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇa sūtra: Origin and Signification of the Title of the Diamond Scalpel Treatise. Journal of East Asian Cultures, 7(2015/1), 7–30. Retrieved from https://ojs.elte.hu/tkt/article/view/2170


The title of the Diamond Scalpel treatise, written by Zhanran, the ninth patriarch of the Tiantai school, contains a reference to the simile of the “golden scalpel” from the Mahāparinirvāṇa sūtra. The motif of the “diamond / golden scalpel” is closely related to the idea of Buddha-nature, which is the main subject of the treatise. In this article it is argued that the carefully chosen title is a real quintessence of the whole work. By his choice of title, Zhanran not only anchores the subject, but also alludes to his view that one is able to get an insight into the subtle reality of Buddhanature only if one interprets it in the light ot the threefold truth theory, as well as uses the sharp knowledge of the classification of teachings according to relative and final aspects. In support of this argument, I analyze Tiantai commentaries to the relevant passages from the Mahāparinirvāṇa sūtra, Zhanran’s own interpretation of the title, and passages deriving from later commentaries.