Vol. 12 No. 2020/1 (2021)

Bügsiin Khüree Monastery in North Mongolia: Case Study related to the History of Mongolian Buddhist Monasteries

Krisztina Teleki

Published 2021-02-25


  • Buddhism,
  • Mongolian Buddhism,
  • Buddhist monasteries,
  • memories of monks,
  • Buddhist art

How to Cite

Teleki, K. (2021). Bügsiin Khüree Monastery in North Mongolia: Case Study related to the History of Mongolian Buddhist Monasteries. Journal of East Asian Cultures, 12(2020/1), 77–99. https://doi.org/10.38144/TKT.2020.1.4


Bügsiin Khüree (Bügsīn xürē), situated in the present area of Tömörbulag District, Khöwsgöl Province, was one of the major monasteries of Mongolia before the persecution of 1938. The monastic community started its services in 1736 in a felt yurt. The monastery expanded and became an important centre of education and worship with a total of 16 temple buildings, 1,000 monks, schools for philosophical, tantric, astrological, and medical studies, special religious events and unique art. The present article cites the memories of an old monk of the monastery, as well as a detailed description written by his uncle, Ven. Süx Gotow, whose book contains specific details about Bügsiin Khüree, and also provides authentic information about the general features of old Mongolian monasteries.


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