Noise-induced hearing loss caused by loud music and willingness to use earplugs among young people in Hungary


  • Ilka Sós ELTE Bárczi Gusztáv Gyógypedagógiai Kar Gyógypedagógiai Módszertani és Rehabilitációs Intézet



noise-induced hearing damage, music, earplug use, hearing loss, threshold shift, tinnitus



Background and aims: WHO and other researchers estimate that 1.1-1.35 billion young people could be at risk of hearing loss due to their unsafe listening habits (Krug et al., 2015a; Dillard et al., 2022).

Method: I conducted an online questionnaire survey among young Hungarians aged 15-30. The closed and open questions and rating scales focused on their music listening habits, knowledge and attitudes about hearing protection.

Results: My survey of 335 young Hungarians revealed that young people do not define hearing loss as a real risk factor among general health issues although 42% have already experienced typical symptoms of noise-induced hearing damage. Generally, they consider others who wear earplugs at loud entertainment venues acceptable but only 9-10% have used or plan to use earplugs at places where they are highly exposed to the harmful effects of sound levels well above the health limit. The results of the study show that young people’s knowledge is incomplete (e.g., about the long-term effects of seemingly temporary symptoms, the role of earplugs and their purchase options), and only a quarter of the respondents have come across a specific recommendation for earplugs.

Conclusions: For conscious hearing protection to spread more widely in our country it is necessary to take steps – in broad cooperation – at both primary and secondary prevention levels. Knowledge dissemination must be present from very young age in public education institutions, in the health network (referred to doctors and nurses who are considered as reference persons by young people), and in media appropriate to the target group. To prevent possible deterioration, it would be necessary to extend hearing screening to those over 18 years of age.

Keywords: noise-induced hearing damage, music, earplug use, hearing loss, threshold shift, tinnitus




How to Cite

Sós, I. (2023). Noise-induced hearing loss caused by loud music and willingness to use earplugs among young people in Hungary. Gyógypedagógiai Szemle, 51(1), 61–77.



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