Style Sheet

Page size A/4, margins 2.5, line width 1.5, font size 12 in main text, 10 in footnotes.
The length of the manuscripts shall be between 12–25 pages (if different from that, consultation with editors is required)

- Main title: bold, centre closed
- Subtitle: bold, left closed
- Second-level subtitle: Italics (not bold), left closed

Please avoid if possible. If necessary:
- first level: Roman numbers (I., II., III.)
- second level: Arabic numbers (1., 2., 3.)
- third level: lowercase letters ( a) b) c))

Formatting: Margins justified, paragraphs 1.25 centimetres except paragraphs after titles.
Graphs, illustrations can be used with exact references, clarified copyrights. Graphs, tables, diagrams must be numbered and referred in the text. Pictures shall be submitted in separate attached files in proper resolution.
Emphasis: only with italics.
Foreign words and titles are always italicised.

Punctuation, year numbering, abbreviation
En dash shall be used in case of range (1990–2000), connecting languages (Chinese–Hungarian) etc.
Abbreviations are to be avoided in the main text.
BCE and CE are to be used.
Historic personalities are to be mentioned with birth and death years referred (in case of rulers alternatively with the range of rulership), if uncertain, with “ca.” before the year.

Block citation: citations longer than two lines shall be separated from the main text as a block citation, font size 11 pt, 12 pt space before and after the paragraph, 1-1 centimetre on both sides. The block citation is not within citation marks.

Citation marks
- Citation within citation: ‘… ”…” …‘
- Author’s remark or addition in a citation between [   ]
- Modification to a citation: ‘[U]pper case instead of lower case‘ or ‘[t]he other way round‘.
- Imission: […]
- Adding the original in a translated citation: this way [wie hier]

Adding footnotes
Footnotes must be added at the word to which it refers but if any punctuation mark follows, the footnote comes after the punctuation. Footnotes are not italicised even in case the word they followed was italicised.

Chinese, Japanese, Korean words, names
At first occurrence the original character is placed after the transcription. Brackets are to be used only in case the word stands in translation, thus:
‘…traditional Japanese kabuki 歌舞伎 plays…‘ – no brackets;
‘…traditional Japanese flower arranging (ikebana 生け花)…‘ – with brackets.

- at first occurrence it is important to use transcription and the original character(s);
- characters always follow the transcription;
- there is thin space before and after the characters;

Only footnotes (not endnotes) to be used.
Format: there is always space at the beginning of footnotes. Each footnote starts with an upper case letter and ends with a punctuation mark. 

References in footnotes
There are no references in the main text in brackets.

Referencing in footnotes:
- one author, reference to a page: Smith 2004: 45.
- one author, reference to a page and a note: Smith 2004: 45, note 4.
- two authors: Kumar–Rohde 1995: 134.
- more authors: Sanjit et al. 2012: 96.
- more works of the same author from the same year: Joshi 1986a: 34, Joshi 1986b: 317.

Reference to the previous footnote: Ibid. followed by a period, to be used only in case the referred page is the same as in the previous footnote. 

Primary sources are listed separately, titled ‘Primary sources‘.
Secondary sources are listed as ‘Secondary sources‘.
The order of authors follows alphabet based on the family names.
The list of references only contains works referred to in the manuscript.

If it exists, a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) must be provided to each title in the list of references in the form of a permanent URL that begins DOIs for all types of publications can be found at Crossref's Metadata Search.

The comma within the author’s name is to be used with regard to the order on the referred work. Thus, in case of a paper or book published in a language where the family name comes first (e.g. Chinese, Korean, Japanese) no comma is required, but it is needed in case the same author published in English, German etc. where family names follow the given name.

Titles in the list of references
Gethin, Rupert 1998. Foundations of Buddhism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Paper in a volume
Sørensen, Henrik H. 2011. 'Central Divinities in the Esoteric Buddhist Pantheon in China.' In: Charles B. Orzech – Henrik H. Sørensen – Richard K. Payne (eds.) Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia. Leiden: Brill, 90–132.

Paper in a journal
Kossak, Steven 1994. 'The Arts of South and Southeast Asia.' The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 51.4: 17–88.

Thesis, PhD thesis: the title is italicised, but in brackets the type and the university are added:
Gimello, Robert M. 1976. Chih-yen and the Foundation of Hua-yen Buddhism. (Ph.D. diss., Columbia University).

References to online sources: if possible, a title is to be used, the reference always ends with the date of access:
Tucker, John 2018. 'Japanese Confucian Philosophy.' Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (last accessed:  30.06.2021.)

Titles of series to be added in brackets after the title:
Lippiello, Tiziana 2001. Auspicious Omens and Miracles in Ancient China: Han, Three Kingdoms and Six Dynasties. (Monumenta Serica Monograph Series 39.) Sankt Augustin, Germany: Institut Monumenta Serica; Nettetal: Steyler Verlag.

In case of more authors/editors, en dash connects the names:
Krings, Leon – Greco, Francesca – Kuwayama, Yukiko (eds.) 2020. Transitions. Crossing Boundaries in Japanese Philosophy (Frontiers of Japanese Philosophy 10). Nagoya: Chisokudō Publications.

In case of authors whose name is originally written with non-Latin letters, the name and the paper/book title are to be given in the original language, but the publisher and the city of publication are not. In these cases, titles are to be translated in [  ] brackets but journal titles and publishers are not:
Ebine Toshiro 海老根聡郎 1986. 'Kin Shoshi fude jūō zu 金処士筆十王図 [The Ten Kings Paintings of Jin Chushi].' Kokka 国華 1986.10: 20−29.
Maruyama Masao 丸山眞男 2010. Nihon no shisō 日本の思想 [Japanese thought]. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shinsho.

Since book titles are italicised, titles within titles are de-italicised:
Mair, Victor H. 1993. The Linguistic and Textual Antecedents of The Sutra of the Wise and the Foolish. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania.

Japanese: Hyōjunshiki/Hepburn
Chinese: pinyin
Korean: McCune-Reischauer
Sanskrit: IAST
Tibetan: Wylie

The editors are open for all remaining questions.