Declaration of Ethics

The Journal of East Asian Cultures (in Hungarian: Távol-keleti Tanulmányok), is fully committed to adhere to, represent and spread the highest ethical standards in its operations. In accordance with the Core Practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and the CSE's Recommendations for Promoting Integrity in Scientific Journal Publications, authors, editors, reviewers and others involved in our procedures must adhere strictly to the principles detailed below and are asked to follow the recommendations of COPE with regard to all their related activities.

Review procedure

Articles submitted to the journal go through a double-blind peer review procedure. Each submitted manuscript is evaluated by two reviewers. Information and messages between authors and reviewers are conveyed by the editors. Reviews are never made public.




The Publisher

Handling Breaches of the Ethical Principles

In case of an allegation of a breach of the above principles, the issue must be properly documented, thoroughly investigated, and the responsible parties shall be immediately notified, providing a fair opportunity for the person allegedly at fault to present their viewpoint. 

In minor cases, the proven fault should be corrected and the person at fault warned to refrain from unethical behaviour. In serious cases, the affected manuscript’s publication should be reconsidered from the first step. Depending on the severity of the fault, legal steps may ensue.

No publishing fees
Following a publication policy based on the principle of equity, the Journal of East Asian Cultures does not charge any article processing, submission or publication charges. All articles published in the journal can be accessed free of charge immediately after their publication.