Vol. 14 No. 1 (2022)

On the Formation of the Public Condemnation of Epoch-making Korean Poet Sŏ Chŏngju – With a Focus on Pro-Japanese Collaboration

Janka Kovács
Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE)

Published 2022-11-22


  • Sŏ Jŏngju,
  • Korean poetry,
  • Korea under Japanese rule,
  • pro-Japanese collaboration,
  • chinilpa,
  • I Kwangsu
  • ...More

How to Cite

Kovács, J. (2022). On the Formation of the Public Condemnation of Epoch-making Korean Poet Sŏ Chŏngju – With a Focus on Pro-Japanese Collaboration. Journal of East Asian Cultures, 14(1), 141–158. https://doi.org/10.38144/TKT.2022.1.8


Sŏ Chŏngju is no doubt one of the most significant poets of 20th century Korean literature. However, his figure is shrouded in controversies originating from his political choices in life. The first of these controversies is his being a ‘pro-Japanese collaborator’ during the Japanese colonial period. The purpose of this study is to move beyond the accusation of Sŏ Chŏngju being an collaborator to map the settings of the colonial background in which he lived and wrote, while also comparing his situation with that of the famous writer, I Kwangsu. Another goal of the study is to examine the approach to his figure and works in recent times. This is for the sake of gaining a deeper understanding of the important poet, who very often is cast away by the superficial criticism of his being a ‘collaborator’.


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