Vol. 13 No. 2021/2 (2022)

The Characteristics and Changes of Snake-worship on Cheju Island Examined through Ponp’uri Literature

Erika Vörös
Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Faculty of Humanities, Department of Korean Studies

Published 2022-09-05 — Updated on 2022-09-13


  • snake worship,
  • ponp'uri,
  • Cheju shamanism,
  • household deity,
  • ŏp,
  • ch’ilsǒng faith,
  • Big Dipper
  • ...More

How to Cite

Vörös, E. (2022). The Characteristics and Changes of Snake-worship on Cheju Island Examined through Ponp’uri Literature. Journal of East Asian Cultures, 13(2021/2), 153–180. https://doi.org/10.38144/TKT.2021.2.7


Korean religion and folklore are abundant in legends and beliefs about the serpent. Cheju island is a particularly precious source of information about snake-worship, not only because its relative isolation from the mainland enabled it to preserve certain beliefs longer than the peninsula, but also because its distinctive, indigenous culture gave rise to a peculiar belief-system by adopting elements from the outside world. We also have more information on the snake-lore in Cheju due to the accounts of Confucian officers delegated to the island and, more importantly, the body of specific shamanic narratives, the ponp’uris. Ponp’uris – origin stories of the worship of certain deities or shrines, recited during shamanic rites (kut) – are invaluable sources for research. Not only do they reflect historical and religious events, but also the endeavour of Cheju people to interpret and come to terms with these tendencies. Through ponp’uris and rituals associated with them people could respond to these situations, and even if only symbolically, restore order: they could release suppressed resentment and pain, and overcome Confucianist oppression by expressing their cultural identity, or adopt elements of other beliefs in order to survive.


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