Vol. 13 No. 2021/2 (2022)

“Indwelling of the Virtues” – The Thoughts of Han Feizi on Self-cultivation

Zsolt Jónás
National University of Public Service

Published 2022-09-05


  • self cultivation,
  • Han Feizi,
  • ancient Chinese thinking,
  • virtues,
  • Dao

How to Cite

Jónás, Z. (2022). “Indwelling of the Virtues” – The Thoughts of Han Feizi on Self-cultivation. Journal of East Asian Cultures, 13(2021/2), 87–104. https://doi.org/10.38144/TKT.2021.2.4


The study analyzes the Jielao and Yulao chapters of Han Feizi, providing an introduction to Han Feizi’s thoughts about self-cultivation that appear mainly in the two above-mentioned chapters. The analysis is based primarily on the translations of these chapters; in addition, it gives a prospective comparison to other texts of the period relevant to self-cultivation. The study seeks to highlight Han Feizi’s ideas about self-cultivation and how these ideas and the two analyzed chapters relate to the intellectual flow of the period of the Warring States.


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