Vol. 13 No. 1 (2021): Community Building: Family and Nation, Tradition and Innovation

Some Characteristic Features of Family Structure in the Old Uighur Societies (as Reflected in Contractual Documents)

Ruyi He
Minzu University of China / Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE)

Published 2021-12-15


  • Old Uighur,
  • society,
  • contractual document,
  • family structure,
  • patrilinear

How to Cite

He, R. (2021). Some Characteristic Features of Family Structure in the Old Uighur Societies (as Reflected in Contractual Documents). Journal of East Asian Cultures, 13(1), 159–171. https://doi.org/10.38144/TKT.2021.1.10


In this paper, I introduce some characteristics of family structure in the Old Uighur societies, based on previous studies. The corpus used as a source for the investigation comprises 13th–14th century contractual documents. I summarize the features of family structure in the Old Uighur society from three aspects. Firstly, the family structure is the extended paternal family consisting of kin groups. The ties between family members are strong, and blood relationships are particularly important. Secondly, males play a dominant role in the family and society. Thirdly, relatives can be freely traded and pawned. In addition, I also briefly explain the reasons for these peculiarities.


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