Vol. 12 No. 2020/1 (2021)

Korean culture – from Hungarian point of view

Anda Nóra Milassin
Corvinus University of Budapest

Published 2021-02-25


  • culture,
  • cultural studies,
  • South Korea,
  • critical realism,
  • qualitative survey,
  • Nvivo software
  • ...More

How to Cite

Milassin, A. N. (2021). Korean culture – from Hungarian point of view. Journal of East Asian Cultures, 12(2020/1), 151–167. https://doi.org/10.38144/TKT.2020.1.7


Meeting new cultures, and the individual’s integration into them, have always concerned the author of this publication, particularly how the members of one culture find the members of another culture engaging, and therefore have pleasant feelings towards them, while there are other “repulsive” cultures which generate negative feelings, making close relations between the two cultures unimaginable. In this paper I would like to present the results of my research, which aims to give a better understanding of the South-Korean culture from a Hungarian perspective. In this investigation I interviewed members of the Hungarian culture about their experiences, observations and thoughts on the Korean culture. The literature showed that despite huge cultural differences, cooperation can be smooth (Azevedo, 2011). Geographically these are two distant cultures, which differ from each other by history, values and traditions. The goal of the research was to explore and understand how the cultural discrepancies experienced by the interviewees in interactive situations were interpreted by them and what factors and values they attributed them to. This research provides a deeper understanding of the discrepancies between these two cultures, as seen by Hungarians.


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