Vol. 12 No. 2020/1 (2021)

The kanji Learning methods of Japanese language learners

Veronika Takács

Published 2021-02-25


  • kanji,
  • learning,
  • techniques,
  • experiences,
  • motivation

How to Cite

Takács, V. (2021). The kanji Learning methods of Japanese language learners. Journal of East Asian Cultures, 12(2020/1), 129–150. https://doi.org/10.38144/TKT.2020.1.6


I researched the character learning strategies of Japanese language learners. During the process of acquiring a foreign language, the learner acquires communicative competence in the foreign language by recognizing linguistic techniques and methods, and language usage which is often significantly different from their mother tongue. With regard to Japanese, learning written characters requires unique methods. I provide insight into the strategies employed by students as they learn Japanese characters. I will touch on factors that play a role in the choice of study methods such as motivation, the learner’s native language writing system, and awareness.


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