Vol. 11 No. 2019/1 (2020)

The revitalisation of Ryūkyūan languages in the traditional classroom setup: The problems of teaching materials

Zsófia Hidvégi

Published 2020-03-30


  • Ryūkyūan language,
  • language revitalization,
  • endangered language,
  • language teaching,
  • orthography,
  • language transmission,
  • minority language
  • ...More

How to Cite

Hidvégi, Z. (2020). The revitalisation of Ryūkyūan languages in the traditional classroom setup: The problems of teaching materials. Journal of East Asian Cultures, 11(2019/1), 113–128. https://doi.org/10.38144/TKT.2019.1.6


UNESCO has acknowledged the six main Ryūkyūan languages as definitely and severely endangered languages. The language community is trying to halt and reverse the advanced language shift and attrition with the help of programs widely used in other language revitalisation movements. Among the most common choices for language transmission are traditional language courses, which require textbooks and dictionaries. These teaching materials should be adapted to the culture and social background of the language to be revitalised. This paper aims to examine the recently published textbooks and the orthography they use.


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